Architectural Acoustics
Room acoustics evaluations are performed for a variety of interior spaces including
music performance and rehearsal facilities, theaters, classrooms, healthcare facilities,
recreational facilities, banquet halls, meeting rooms, and offices. Important goals
are to optimize the acoustics of a space in order to enhance speech intelligibility
and musical qualities and to minimize reverberant noise and annoyance factors.
Architectural acoustics design services include:
- Surveys of the acoustics of existing facilities, including:
- Background noise levels
- Reverberation times
- Sound level distribution in listener areas, and
- Other descriptors
- Development of computerized room acoustics models to:
- Evaluate the acoustics of existing and planned facilities
- Investigate the acoustical criteria of the subject interior spaces
- Evaluate uses of acoustical finishes and shaped surfaces
- Follow-up surveys of acoustics after improvements have been implemented and after
facilities are constructed.